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The power of industrial cities in Turkey - everything related to import, export and local products

The power of industrial cities in Turkey - everything related to import, export and local products

Industrial investment in Turkey:

Industrial investment in Turkey is one of the most important parts of the Turkish economy, industry in Turkey has grown since the 18th century and developed over time to become one of the largest producing countries in the world, and the Turkish economy, in turn, has made a great qualitative leap from the 18th place worldwide to the 13th place Besides tourism, trade and the real estate market, the Turkish industries are endless, and the industrial sector is a constantly developing and renewable sector. The Turkish government has recognized its importance and has worked to establish research centers, with the aim of renewal, keeping abreast of developments and securing new changing needs, as it resulted with rapid development of technology, which directly affected development of the industry mechanism, The Turkish government has provided many encouragements for industrial investment, such as a system of incentives, providing infrastructure, equipment and raw materials, the presence of a large consumer market and Turkey's good relations with various countries of the world that made The possibility of exporting and importing to the rest of the world from Turkey is one of the easiest things that encourage industrial investment in Turkey.

Features of industrial investment in Turkey:

In addition to the incentives system and the aforementioned advantages, investors in industrial zones in Turkey can enjoy several benefits, such as tax exemption for establishments, from the added value of purchasing land, building and using the facility, real estate tax, and reducing the costs of water, electricity  and gas.

The Turkish government allocates industrial zones in various parts of the country, which are large organized areas designed to allow industrial companies and factories to work in an environment suitable for the implementation of their activities, by providing all the necessary strong infrastructure and all the necessary needs of water, electricity and Gas, communications, waste treatment facilities, equipment, and manpower, each of these areas includes administrative centers to organize the workflow in the correct manner, secure job opportunities and systematically maintain productivity, in addition to the existence of scientific research centers to improve and develop factories and machinery .

Organized industrial zones in Turkey:

The 322 industrial zones in Turkey are distributed over eighty regions, 255 areas have been activated of which work is currently underway while the remaining areas are under construction, and the Turkish government is actively seeking to establish more industrial cities, due to the importance of industry and its role in supporting local production and improving the country's economy in general and per capita income in particular.

The most important industries in Turkey:

Turkey has become a member of the Group of Twenty industrialized countries that occupy two-thirds of the world's trade and more than 90% of the world's crude product, it has also become an exporter of many products that have been well received by importers, today it is the first manufacturer in Europe for televisions and light vehicles. Turkey seeks to be among the five largest industrially producing countries in the world, as one of its goals by 2023

one of the most prominent Turkish industries at the present time:

  • Manufacture of home furniture and furnishings.
  • Manufacture of cars and light commercial vehicles.
  • Building materials and cladding industry.
  • Food Industry.
  • Chemical industries.
  • Garment and textile industry.
  • Household appliances industry.
  • Metal industries (copper - iron - steel - aluminum).
  • Auto parts industry.
  • Electrical and electronic industries.

Chemical industries:

The plastic industries sector is emerging as the most important and successful object of industrial investment in the field of chemicals, as it contributes to 3% of global plastic production, Turkey ranks second in plastic production in Europe, and seventh worldwide.

İt is one of the largest producers of paints, as it ranked fifth at the European level, and the second largest importer of petrochemicals.

The improved infrastructure, skilled manpower and competitive production costs provided by the government, Turkey's economic growth have ensured the chemical industries sector success and huge returns in the long run.

Auto industry:

The auto industry began to appear in Turkey in the early sixties, and the value of investment operations in the production of cars reached about one million dollars, due to its commitment to international quality and safety standards, Turkish cars today compete with the largest international companies in terms of efficiency and quality, Turkey has been distinguished by developing products and The designs of many brands for the cars production , including Ford, Fiat. Turkey occupies the highest position among the largest car manufacturers in the world, approximately 80% of Turkish production is directed to foreign markets, as it uses Turkey as a production base No less than any supplier in the world .Turkey has exported 986,000 cars to be the number one exporter to the European market in 2017.

Below we talk about the most important industrial areas in Turkey:

Ostim Industrial District:

İt includes factories of auto parts, medical supplies, chemicals, metallurgical industries, and some foodstuff factories of various kinds.

USP Industrial Zone:

İt includes factories of building materials, metals, plastic industries, medicines and household appliances.

AITOSP Industrial Zone:

It also includes factories with different specialties, including chemical, household and electrical appliances, metals, furniture and textiles.

Organisa Industrial Area:

İt includes about 2000 to 3000 factories, most of which are active in the manufacture of luxury furniture, it distributes furniture to all parts of Turkey, in addition to exporting it outside the Turkish borders.

Tosab Industrial Zone:

It is famous for its textile industries, including fabrics, threads, and curtains.

Despite the outbreak of the Corona epidemic, Turkey is following its remarkable industrial development, as it has witnessed within a short period the opening of more than 500 new factories in conjunction with the growing needs of the market, which confirms Turkey's progress towards a new qualitative leap in the industrial field.

Turkey is not only a productive country, but is working to revive its import and export market. Today it occupies twenty-fifth place for the largest export economy in the world, and seventh place in the list of imports of the European Union, it has a great opportunity to become a member of The European Union, as it is considered a party to the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (Boromed), which seeks to enhance economic integration of 16 countries from the Mediterranean region, which encourages industrial investors to establish companies and factories in Turkey in pursuit of the being a part of the export market with large profits and returns. Turkey exports nothing less than 139 billion dollars in goods annually, in various fields, including cleaning materials, cosmetics, cables, clothing, school tools, furnishings, soap, household appliances, metals (iron, mercury, copper, manganese), and some foodstuffs ( Figs, grapes, olives, wheat, apples, vegetables), sugar, auto parts, plastic materials, and wood. Turks generally import gold, machinery and petroleum.

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